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What is a cannabis clone?

A cannabis clone is a cutting taken from a mature and healthy cannabis plant. This cutting is genetically identical to the parent plant, as opposed to a seed which can express different traits. These clones can then be used to grow a new plant. Clones are popular among growers because they allow for the production of genetically identical plants, which can be useful for maintaining consistent qualities and characteristics in the plants being grown. Clones are typically propagated from cuttings, which are rooted in a rooting medium and then transplanted into soil or another growing medium like Rockwool.

Why clone cannabis plants?

Because we want consistency. Propagating cannabis clones from cuttings is a popular and effective way to grow new plants from a mother plant. This method allows growers to quickly and easily produce genetically identical copies of their favorite strains. It helps us study and dial in the exact needs of each phenotype.

The process isn’t too difficult. To start, the first step is to select a healthy and mature mother plant to take cuttings from. This plant should have sturdy, healthy stems and plenty of leaves. Using a sharp, sterilized blade, carefully take a cutting from the mother plant by making a clean, diagonal cut just below a leaf node (the point where the leaves attach to the stem).

Next, the cutting needs to be prepared for rooting. This can be done by dipping the cut end of the cutting into a rooting hormone powder or gel, which will help stimulate root growth. The cutting can then be placed into a container filled with a rooting medium, such as soil, rockwool, or perlite. It’s important to keep the rooting medium moist, but not too wet, to prevent the cutting from rotting.

Once the cutting has been placed in the rooting medium, it’s time to create a humid environment for the cutting to root in. This can be done by placing the container in a plastic bag or greenhouse, or by using a rooting chamber. The goal is to keep the humidity high and the temperature stable, around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

After a few weeks, the cutting should develop roots and begin to grow. At this point, it can be transplanted into a larger container or into the ground. It’s important to carefully handle the cutting during this stage, as the roots will be delicate and easily damaged.

How long do clones take to root?

You should see little white roots poke out of the bottom of a clone between 3-14 days. Any longer and the cutting probably won’t take and you need to try again.

Monitor the cutting regularly and mist it with water if the rooting medium begins to dry out. After a few weeks, the cutting should develop roots and begin to grow. At this point, it can be transplanted into a larger container or into the ground. Handle the cutting carefully during this stage, as the roots will be delicate and easily damaged.